Weekly Contest for Authors

I was going through my emails this morning and found a weekly contest for authors.  It is through Books Go Social and there is no charge to enter (as an author), or to vote (as a reader).  Each Sunday evening, the author of the book with the most votes will get $100 via PayPal as well as one week of free promotions to their 600,000+ readership.

From what I can see, the only restrictions are that the books you post must be yours (of course) and that you may only post the same book once per week.

As an author, you are encouraged to share the site with your list or friends or on social media to get votes.

I posted a book there this week and I scheduled an activity in my day planner every Monday morning to add a new book to that week’s contest.  I don’t see how it can hurt.  If everyone who posts a book there encourages people to check out the books, there has to be a possibility of your book getting votes, or even downloads.  At the very least, your book will get in front of more people than it would if you had not posted it, right?  Plus, an extra $100 could come in handy someday…

Here is the link in case you are interested in posting one of your books or checking out some other books:

Books Go Social Weekly Contest for Authors

Good luck!

Barb Asselin